판소리는 한 명의 창자가 고수의 북 반주에 맞추어 아니리, 소리, 발림을 통해 이야기를 전달하는 종합예술입니다.
Pansori is a Korean story-singing genre in which a single performer describes a long story through a mix of songs, narrations, acting and body movements to the accompaniment of Korean barrel drum.
이상아는 이화여자대학교 한국음악과를 졸업(2013)하고 하와이대학교에서 민족음악학 석사학위(2017)를 취득 후 현재 토론토대학교에서 민족음악학 박사과정을 이수하고 있습니다. 김병혜 선생님께 심청가를, 이난초 선생님께 춘향가와 수궁가를 사사 받았습니다.
Sangah Lee is a PhD student in ethnomusicology at University of Toronto.
She began her pansori practice when she was 9 years old and her career as a performer at the age of 13 with her first performance in Chicago.
At the age of 18, she received Minister Prize at The 15th National P’ansori Competition and ha d a four-hour-long wanchang (full-length) recital of Sugungga (The Song of Underwater Palace).
During and after her time as undergraduate at Ewha Womans University where she received her BA in Korean music, she has met both Korea and international audiences in many cities in cluding Seoul, Busan, Tokyo, and Chicago.
Prior to joining University of Hawai’i in 2014, she served as an assistant director and actor at Seoul P’ansori Musical Company and as a performer at Badaksori, a P’ansori performing group based in Seoul, Korea.
Now as a student of University of Toronto, she has been invited as a guest speaker and conducting many lecture concerts and workshops on Korean music.
경력, Affiliations.
현 남도소리전문단체 소리청 상임단원
Standing Member of Soricheong, Organization for Pansori Education, South Korea
전 바닥소리 정단원
Performer for Badaksori, Pansori Performing Group, South Korea
전 서울창극단 정단원 및 조연출
Performer and Assistant Director for Seoul Pansori Theater, South Korea
공연, Performances.
2020 설 축제 공연, 온타리오 주 의사당
Pansori Performance for Korean New Year Celebration hosted by Premier Doug Ford,
The Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Toronto, Canada
2019 이상아 판소리 발표회 “소리로”
Pansori Recital, Path for Pansori, South Korea
2017 하와이대학교 작곡심포지엄, “판소리, 첼로, 북을 위한 세 사랑가” 공연
University of Hawaii Composition Symposium, “Three Sarangas for Pansori, Cello, Puk”, Hawaii, USA
2016 하와이 카피올라니 대학교 인터내셔널 페스티벌 판소리 렉쳐콘서트
Pansori Lecture Concert at UH Kapiolani Community College International Festival, Hawaii, USA
2015 뉴욕 유니언 대학교 영어 판소리, “춘향, 당신을 만나다” 공연 및 워크샵 진행
English Pansori Performance, Chunhyang Meets You, and Wrokshop at Union College, New York, USA
Sinawi Performance for The 7th World Congress of Korean Studied, Hawaii, USA
2013 현대무용공연, “지신은 불완전하게 올라온다” 페스티벌 도쿄 초청공연 (보컬 참여)
Vocal Performance, The God of Earth Comes Up Imperfectly, at Festival Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
부천필코러스 신년음악회 “세계로 향하라, 한국음악이여!” 협연
Vocal Performance, Bucheon Philharmonic Orchestra Chorus New Year Concert,
Let Korean Music Head Toward the World!, South Korea
2008-2013 닭들의 꿈 날다, 로미오와 줄리엣, 란, 불의여인 세오녀 등 다수의 판소리 뮤지컬 출연
Pansori Musicals, Romeo and Juliet, Orchid, The Woman of Fire, etc., South Korea
2011 웨스트 버지니아 웨슬리안 대학교 판소리 렉쳐콘서트
Pansori Lecture Concert, West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buckhannon, USA
김덕수 사물놀이패와 함께하는 “신명으로 그린 코리아” 시카고 공연
Minyo Performance, Art Space Korea 2011, Skokie Northshore Performing Art Center, Chicago, USA
2008 미국 전통예술인협회 시카고 공연
Pansori and Minyo Performance, Northwestern Illinois University, Chicago, USA
2007 수궁가 완창 발표회
Wanchang (full-length) performance, The Song of Underwater Palace, South Korea